Is he and his family not entitled to vacations like the all White Presidents were? Why weren't they OUTRAGED at all those vacations that Bush and family. ... Whining & complaining about Obama makes us feel better. August 22nd, 2010 at 1:45 pm Austin Says: Republicans have an on going contest on who can be the most hypocritical. August 22nd, 2010 at 1:49 pm Dennis Says: Because taxpayers are out of work, the economy is bad. They spend tax money like it is a never-ending ...
Parker has been renting the three-floor, six-bedroom historic Bacchus House in Greenwich Village, at least as of the bend/b of 2009. After going on the market for $21.5 million, the property was put up for rent for $45000 a month. ... You walk into the house ? it's ridiculous ? and you bfeel/b like you've walked into another era. There's Sean in his three piece suit: 'Do you want a Scotch? Do you want a Brandy?' It is not the home of a 25 year old; it's covered in priceless art ...
As much as we hate to taunt the template this way, and make it bfeel/b inadequate for having such a narrow option for the text field, well, its days are numbered. Very extremely numbered. It's possible the bend/b will come by the bend/b of the ...